A bit out of character

I have just done something that may seem to be completely out of character.  I just finished a new design with a rather, umm, risque sort of theme.  Now, before I show you a sneak peek, I think this might require a little bit of explanation. It all began in the UK one day in …

Knitalong with me (there will be prizes and coffee)

Little Woolly Things podcast

Hi, guys! Would you like to knit some gifts with me this year?  It’s time for a knitalong!  But more about that in a minute. It has been so busy here at Bravewood and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down at all.  I mean, not any time soon.  I have this new podcast going …

It’s a Woolly Life: what’s happening

It's a woolly life: what's happening

I’m going to be tote-woolly (bad pun) honest.  I started writing this blog post yesterday and then realized that I was just rambling about pretty much nothing, so I decided to delete it and start over again, because, you know, I could go on and on about all of the things going on, but it …

Just keep knitting

Hello, friends, This week’s blog post is brought to you by homeopathic sinus tabs, herbal compresses and lots and LOTS of tea.  Oh, and coffee.  I can’t leave out the morning cup of coffee because, let’s face it, without the morning cup of caffeine, the headache would be a lot worse than it already is. …